A Turner County deputy sheriff was critically injured in a serious accident following a vehicular pursuit that began around 3:50 a.m. on Monday in Tifton, Georgia. The deputy, identified as Nikolaus Herrick, became trapped under an 18-wheeler at the cross-section of 8th Street and Love Avenue after a high-speed chase escalated into a disastrous crash.

The incident started with what was intended to be a standard traffic stop but quickly escalated into a pursuit. The chase ended dramatically when Deputy Herrick’s car rammed into and was crushed beneath the larger vehicle. Emergency crews had to extricate Herrick from the totaled patrol car before rushing him to Tift Regional Hospital. Officials later confirmed that despite his serious injuries, which included a broken rib, arm, and facial bones, Herrick was conscious, alert, and in pain at the time of his transport to the hospital. He was subsequently airlifted to a medical facility in Macon, Georgia where his condition stabilized.

Close on the heels of the collision involving the deputy, the pursued suspects also lost control of their vehicle, which flipped over a few blocks away from the first crash site. Witnesses assert that after their car came to a stop, the suspects exited, carrying two duffle bags, and proceeded to flee the scene on foot, escaping immediate capture.

Source: Hoodline