Basic Personal Injury Settlement Breakdown: How Much Goes in My Pocket After a Personal Injury Lawsuit in Atlanta?

One of the most common questions Atlanta personal injury lawyers receive is: How much is my case worth? After being harmed in an accident that was caused by someone else’s negligence, it makes sense that […]

The Difference Between Worker’s Compensation and Personal Injury in Georgia

Every year, thousands of Georgia workers face life-altering injuries on the job, leaving them wondering how they’ll cover medical bills and lost wages. At the same time, others sustain injuries outside of work due to […]

What to Do if You Are Injured in Student Housing as a Georgia College Student?

If you’re a college student in Georgia living in student housing, an injury can not only disrupt your studies but also impact your life long-term. Knowing the right steps to take can make a significant […]

Who May Be Liable if You Were Injured at an Airport in Georgia?

Navigating a busy airport can sometimes lead to unexpected injuries. If you find yourself injured at an airport in Georgia, determining who is legally responsible is essential in seeking compensation for damages. Airports are complex […]

What are the Highest Paid Types of Lawyers?

There is a wide range in the salaries different attorneys make. Most attorneys choose to specialize in particular areas of law, much the way doctors specialize in different areas of medicine. Occasionally, lawyers will practice […]

Should I Cash The Check My Insurance Company Sent Me?

After a car accident, fall, or other accident, you might be relieved to find a check in your mail that the insurance company sends as part of an insurance claim. Many people would not question […]

Should You Post on Social Media After a Personal Injury Accident?

In the aftermath of an accident, the instinct to share updates and feelings on social media is understandable. Whether it is to inform loved ones, seek support, or simply document your journey, social media platforms […]

Can You File a Personal Injury Claim if You Have Already Filed a Workers’ Compensation Claim in Georgia?

After suffering a workplace accident in Georgia, many victims find it challenging to determine their next steps. While workers’ compensation exists to ensure victims recover benefits regardless of fault, there are limits to what it […]

What Are Non-Economic Damages in a Personal Injury Claim?

The aftermath of an accident or injury can extend far beyond medical bills and lost wages. While these economic damages are relatively straightforward to quantify, others, such as pain, suffering, and loss of consortium, do […]

6 Questions to Ask Your Doctor After a Personal Injury Accident

Being injured in a personal injury accident like a car crash or slip-and-fall can be a complex and stressful situation. While there may be a lot going through your head following the accident, one of […]