Savannah Brain Injury Lawyers

Stephen R. Hasner
Managing Partner at Hasner Law PC
May 10, 2024

Savannah Neck & Back Injuries

From car accidents and slip-and-falls to workplace incidents and medical malpractice, the consequences of a brain injury can be profound. If you or someone you care about has suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI) due to someone else’s negligence, you may be eligible to recover compensation for your damages.

At Hasner Law, we recognize that brain injuries are life-altering events which affect not just the victim but their friends and family, too. Our accomplished team of Savannah brain injury lawyers possess a deep understanding of the medical science, legal intricacies, and long-term effects associated with brain injury accidents, so we can help you recover the full compensation you and your loved ones deserve.

Types of Brain Injury Accidents Our Firm Handles in Savannah, Georgia

Brain injuries can occur in various types of accidents. When these accidents were caused by a negligent or reckless party in Savannah, victims and their families could be eligible to recover a monetary settlement for their losses under Georgia state law.

Some common types of accidents which can result in brain injuries include:

Motor Vehicle Accidents

Car, motorcycle, bicycle, and pedestrian accidents can all lead to a TBI. The impact of a collision or sudden stop can cause the brain to collide with the skull, resulting in varying degrees of brain damage.


Slip-and-fall accidents are a leading cause of brain injuries, especially among older adults and children. Falls can occur due to hazardous conditions like wet floors, uneven surfaces, loose carpets, or inadequate safety measures. A fall can cause the head to strike the ground or another object, causing a brain injury.

Sports and Recreational Activities

Although fun, contact sports and recreational activities pose a risk of brain injuries, including:

  • Football
  • Soccer
  • Boxing
  • Hockey
  • Cycling
  • Skateboarding
  • Skiing
  • Horseback riding

A Hasner Law Savannah brain injury attorney can help you determine if a sports or activity-induced TBI resulted from negligence.

Workplace Accidents

Certain occupations, such as construction, manufacturing, or transportation, come with an increased risk of accidents that can cause brain injuries. Falls from heights, being struck by falling objects, or being involved in machinery accidents are examples of workplace incidents that can lead to head trauma.

Assaults and Physical Violence

Intentional acts of violence, including assaults, fights, and physical abuse, can cause severe brain injuries. The impact of punches, kicks, or blows to the head can result in concussions or more severe forms of brain trauma.

Medical Malpractice

Medical errors, surgical mistakes, birth injuries, or anesthesia accidents can sometimes result in brain damage. Oxygen deprivation, improper administration of medication, or surgical complications can lead to serious brain injuries with long-lasting consequences.

Explosions and Blasts

Military personnel, first responders, and individuals in certain industries may be at risk of brain injuries due to explosions or blasts. The sudden force and impact from these incidents can cause concussions, penetrating injuries, or blast-related traumatic brain injuries.

How an Experienced Savannah Brain Injury Lawyer Can Help

It is important to note that the severity and long-term effects of brain injuries can vary widely based on individual circumstances. If you or someone you know has experienced a brain injury due to an accident or other cause, seeking medical attention and legal assistance is crucial.

Hasner Law Savannah brain injury attorneys support brain injury victims and their families by providing the following:

  • Legal consultation: We offer a free initial case review where we will evaluate your particular situation, discuss your legal options, and answer any questions you may have. This discussion allows us to understand the details of your case and provide an honest assessment of your claim.
  • Thorough investigation: Our team conducts a comprehensive investigation to gather evidence, consult medical experts, interview witnesses, and reconstruct the events leading to the brain injury. We leave no stone unturned in building a strong case on your behalf.
  • Liability determination: We meticulously examine all potentially liable parties, including individuals, companies, medical professionals, or institutions, to ensure that we pursue the appropriate legal action.
  • Negotiation and litigation: Our skilled negotiators aim to reach a fair settlement outside of court. However, if the responsible parties refuse to offer adequate compensation, we are fully prepared to take your case to trial. Our litigators are tenacious advocates who will fight vigorously on your behalf.

Brain injuries can result in significant medical expenses, lost wages, rehabilitation costs, and pain and suffering. Driven by a passion for justice and profound compassion for those whose lives have been forever changed by these devastating injuries, our goal is to secure the maximum compensation possible to cover your current and future needs.

Contact a Brain Injury Attorney in Savannah Today to Schedule a Free Case Review

Choosing the right brain injury attorney is crucial. With years of experience successfully handling these complex cases, we have a proven track record of securing substantial settlements and verdicts for our clients in Savannah and across Georgia. Hasner Law Savannah brain injury lawyers go above and beyond to provide specialized expertise, extensive experience, and a compassionate approach to every client we serve. We listen attentively to your concerns, offer support and guidance, and tailor our strategies to meet your unique needs. Schedule your complimentary case review today by calling our office at (678) 888-4878, or you may reach out to us via our convenient contact form.

Author Stephen Headshot
Managing Partner at Hasner Law PC
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Stephen Hasner is the founder and managing partner of Hasner Law PC. Since being licensed in Florida in 1997 and in Georgia in 1999, Stephen has worked tirelessly to help Georgia residents navigate the legal process following a serious injury. This includes injuries sustained at work, in motor vehicle accidents, and in cases of personal injury. The team at Hasner Law is dedicated to securing compensation for their clients who have been injured through no fault of their own.